<![CDATA[Zetsubou Games]]>https://zetsubou.games/https://zetsubou.games/favicon.pngZetsubou Gameshttps://zetsubou.games/Ghost 5.105Tue, 28 Jan 2025 23:20:03 GMT60<![CDATA[Blog 2024-12-25]]>Merry Christmas! Or Christmas Eve, depending on your timezone.

It's been 5 months since the last blog post, so I guess that means we're due for a progress update.

Let's dive in, starting with the usual housekeeping.


This software used to build this

https://zetsubou.games/blog-2024-12-25/676a2d6f53e3ba00016959faTue, 24 Dec 2024 21:57:28 GMT

Merry Christmas! Or Christmas Eve, depending on your timezone.

It's been 5 months since the last blog post, so I guess that means we're due for a progress update.

Let's dive in, starting with the usual housekeeping.


This software used to build this website has been updated from Ghost v5.87.2 to v5.105.0.

Like usual, there shouldn't be any notable changes, and hopefully nothing has broken.

Google Play removal

Surprise! My games will soon be removed from Google Play (again). And not due to their content this time around.

Google Play now requires developers to go through a verification process, and to provide more personal information and identification than before. I have decided not to comply with their updated policy, so my games will be removed from the store (at some point in the future).

I have only ever put my free games (and demos of commercial games) onto the Play Store, and not many people downloaded them anyway. And you can still find the Android versions of my games on Itch, including full versions (rather than just demos) of the commercial ones. So hopefully this decision doesn't have any major impact on anyone.

Steam Deck verified

On a lighter note, one more of my games, Tomboys Need Love Too, has now been Steam Deck verified.

That just leaves two more to go until all of my games are verified. I just hope that my next game will be verified prior to release, rather than years afterwards. Speaking of which...

Sable's Grimoire 2 progress

Blog 2024-12-25

Overall progress is good. It's all gradually coming together.


  • only 1 or 2 backgrounds to go. Likewise for sprites
  • around ~8 CGs are still needed, but this number might increase
  • the new music tracks have all been started, but aren't yet complete
  • writing is maybe 80% done
  • no solid ETA. Likely Q2 2025


Blog 2024-12-25

The amount of artwork needed changes as the writing progresses, so it's hard to pin down any exact numbers here. That being said, I don't expect any major changes with the sprites or backgrounds.

At this stage there's only 1 new sprite (+1 new outfit) left, and a couple of backgrounds.

CGs are the only bits of artwork which are still subject to change. The 8 remaining CGs noted above should be enough for the initial release, but I can't promise that. If history is any indicator, there will end up being at least a couple more.


Blog 2024-12-25

Another 110k words of the script have been written since the last update, bringing the current total to 610k.

However! What I neglected to explain last time is that this number includes work on routes which won't be in the initial release. So the total amount written is 610k words, but only 570k of that will be in the initial release.

Anyway, what matters in a progress update is the degree of completion, not the length. And that leads us to...


Blog 2024-12-25

Since the last blog post I've mainly been working on the common route, as well as one of the character routes. The current state of progress is now something along the lines of:

  • Route #1: done
  • Routes #2-5: mostly done. Each between 70-90%
  • Common route still needs some work. Maybe 80% done

I'll start posting images/info on what those routes actually are early next year.

Music, GUI

Blog 2024-12-25

All of the new music tracks are in progress. The first drafts have been composed and approved, but the final tracks aren't quite done yet.

As far as the GUI is concerned, I'm probably going to update the existing GUI (like with Man And Elf and A Dragon's Treasure) rather than get a new GUI made. That should help to keep the theme/vibe of the first 3 games, and will save a bunch of time.

Release date?

I was aiming for Q1 2025 release. However, it looks like I'll be unexpectedly busy IRL in January and/or February, which makes this unlikely (and illustrates why I try to avoid setting release dates too early).

It's also worth noting that the initial release of Sable's Grimoire 2 is turning out to be much longer than planned. At this rate it'll end up being double the length which the first game was at launch (350k words vs currently 570k words).

Right now I'm thinking Q2 2025 seems likely, but it'll be another couple of months before I have a better idea. To that end, I'll post the next progress update sooner than usual (probably February or March), and hopefully I'll have a better idea by then.

<![CDATA[Blog 2024-07-19]]>That's right, folks. It's time for another bi-annual update.

When did they become bi-annual, you ask? They didn't, really. But that does seem to be how often I post these updates.

If it's any consolation, a lack of updates usually means I&

https://zetsubou.games/blog-2024-07-19/669383a21dbfa80001f5f075Fri, 19 Jul 2024 00:46:27 GMT

That's right, folks. It's time for another bi-annual update.

When did they become bi-annual, you ask? They didn't, really. But that does seem to be how often I post these updates.

If it's any consolation, a lack of updates usually means I'm hard at work developing games. It's actually a sign of progress... in a way.

So, what's been happening these past 7 months? And what's coming next?

I'll start with some housekeeping and then get onto the good stuff.

Social Media

With BlueSky now open to the public, I decided to join the platform.

I'll continue to post on Twitter/X and Mastodon. So regardless of which platform you use, my posts there will be the same.

Links to all three can be found in the Socials/Links section of this website.


This software used to build this website has been updated from Ghost v5.54.0 to v5.87.2.

There shouldn't be any notable changes, and hopefully nothing has broken.

Steam Deck verified

Two more of my games, My Heart Grows Fonder and Sable's Grimoire, have now been Steam Deck verified.

The latter is part of the reason why this blog post is a month later than intended. Between Sable's Grimoire being mid review and the Steam Summer Sale starting, it seemed like a bad time for a blog post.

Anyway, verified! That's 7 down and 3 to go.

Unfortunately the verification process is initiated by Valve. So all I can really do now is wait until they review another one of my games.

Sable's Grimoire 2

Blog 2024-07-19

And now, the part you've been waiting for.

It's been 7 months since the last update, and most of that time has been spent working on Sable's Grimoire 2.

You may have seen some of my posts on social media with character bios and introductions. Those might give you an idea of how far along the sprites are progressing, but what about the rest of the game?

Fortunately, the rest is progressing just as smoothly. Let me throw some numbers at you.

  • 18 new backgrounds are complete
  • 31 new CGs are complete
  • all(?) sprites are complete
  • just over 500k words done of the writing
  • new music tracks and GUI not started yet

So, what does all of that actually mean?


Blog 2024-07-19

The total number of backgrounds and CGs needed can't be confirmed until the writing is complete, so I can't accurately express those numbers as a percentage.

With that being said, at this stage I expect another ~5 backgrounds and ~10-15 CGs to be needed, but those aren't solid numbers.

Similarly, all of the sprites needed are currently complete, but that might change. Maybe a couple more sprites and outfits will be needed, but overall I don't expect much to change here.


Blog 2024-07-19

500k words sounds like a big number. But is it? It's hard to make sense of that number without a frame of reference.

To put that number into perspective, the original Sable's Grimoire launched at 350k words, and after a few years of updates it is now 585k words in length. So it's fair to say that the writing for SG2 is pretty far along.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's still a lot of work to be done.

In particular, the common route (ie. the core part of the game leading up to the individual routes) is not complete. So even though a lot of the game is done, it's not in a state where it could actually be released, even if some routes were to hypothetically be cut out and released later.

Also, keep in mind that this is the first draft. That draft is incomplete, and proofreading/editing takes time. So even though a huge portion of the game has been written, it's still a long way off being "complete".

Caveats aside, tons of work has already been done. The writing is coming along well, and everything is progressing smoothly.

I just don't want you to see a big number without context and mistakenly think "it's almost done!"


Blog 2024-07-19

Excluding music, and without naming which routes they are, the above progress translates into:

  • Route #1 is complete. Writing, sprites, backgrounds, CGs, everything.
  • Route #2 is nearing completion. It needs a couple of CGs and a few more scenes need writing. Maybe one more background.
  • Route #3 needs a bit more work. A few scenes need to be written. 2-3 backgrounds are needed. A few CGs are needed.
  • Route #4 also needs a bit more work. It needs a few more scenes to be written, a few CGs, and maybe one background.
  • Route #5 might be pushed back into a post-release update. The CGs are done, and only 1 background is needed. But this is the longest route by far, and there's still a bit of writing needed, so more artwork might end up being needed.
  • Routes #6 and #7 have been started, but they're in the early stages. These won't be in the initial release.
  • The common route (ie. the game before it branches off into different routes) still needs a fair bit of work. Mostly writing and some CGs.

Music, GUI

Blog 2024-07-19

Now that the rest of the game is pretty far through, work will soon start on the new music tracks and an updated GUI.

I usually leave music until later, so it can be matched to particular backgrounds and scenes.

Likewise, some of the GUI elements need other parts of the game to be finished first to avoid tweaking them later. This is particularly true of the route map screen.

Fortunately, work on the GUI is a lower priority, since Sable's Grimoire already has a perfectly good GUI. Updating it is something I'd like to do before SG2 releases, but it doesn't hold up the development of the rest of the game.

So both of these will be worked on while the remaining backgrounds, CGs and writing are being finished off.


Blog 2024-07-19

Once all of the above is finished, it'll be time to start testing in earnest.

This part takes a while, and will be done in stages across different operating systems and different sections of the game.

I plan to start by making sure everything works from start to finish. ie. Someone can actually play the game. Not perfect, but at least playable.

After that I'll submit the playable build to Steam so it can be reviewed as early as possible and avoid delays later on.

While/After they review SG2 I'll be testing again more thoroughly, looking for things which won't stop the game from passing review, but which need to be fixed regardless. That means visual bugs, typos, refining scenes, or anything else which comes up.

Finally, I'll run through the game from start to finish "as a player". ie. Not looking for bugs, but trying to play the game all the way through without anything seeming wrong.

Once I can play the game from start to finish without noticing anything obviously amiss, it'll be ready for release.

Release date?

Blog 2024-07-19

I know, I know. Hearing about "progress" is great and all, but when is it going to be ready?

The remaining artwork should be done over the next few months.

Music is hard to estimate, but there are fewer new music tracks than there are new pieces of artwork. So I don't expect it to be a cause for delay.

The amount of writing needed isn't huge, but it's still a few months of work. Followed by editing, which is also not a quick process.

And of course, testing can't be done in earnest until all of that is done.

So, where does that leave the release date?

If the initial release only includes the first 4 routes, then 2024 seems achievable. If it includes route #5, then Q1 2025 seems more likely.

For now I'm going to focus on the common route and finishing off the first 4 routes. After that I'll reassess whether or not to hold up the initial release for the sake of putting route #5 in there, or if it would be better added later as a post-release update.

So I'm going to disappoint everyone again by holding off on specifying a release date. I'll put out another blog post in a few months when some routes are fully completed and give a better indication at that time of when I expect the release date to be.

<![CDATA[Blog 2023-12-23]]>

Has it really been 6 months already? It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner.

I guess that means it's time for an obligatory year-end update on what's been happening over the past 6 months.

Man And Elf on consoles


https://zetsubou.games/blog-2023-12-23/6579686760f7e800019285e3Sat, 16 Dec 2023 23:03:10 GMT

Has it really been 6 months already? It's hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner.

I guess that means it's time for an obligatory year-end update on what's been happening over the past 6 months.

Man And Elf on consoles

Blog 2023-12-23

I mentioned in the last update that, with A Dragon's Treasure released on consoles, Man And Elf would be coming sooner or later.

Thankfully it was sooner! Man And Elf is now available on Switch and Playstation. Unfortunately, like A Dragon's Treasure, it is not available on Xbox as it was rejected by that store.

Links to the store pages can be found on the page below.

Sable’s Grimoire: Man And Elf
Sable’s Grimoire is a visual novel series set in a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters. It follows the adventures of Sable, a young human who wants to become a magic researcher, during his time at Amadronia Academy. Sable spends his everyday life at Amadronia surrounded by demi-humans, inc…
Blog 2023-12-23

My Heart Grows Fonder on consoles

Blog 2023-12-23

And by "on consoles" I unfortunately mean just one.

My Heart Grows Fonder is now available on Nintendo Switch. It was rejected on Playstation and Xbox due to the adult content.

Download links can be found on the page below.

My Heart Grows Fonder
Cassius, a jilted and bitter man, is reunited with his ex after a three year separation. As the two begin to cohabitate, he realizes that he may not be over her after all.
Blog 2023-12-23

My Heart Grows Fonder v1.2.0

Accompanying the console release of MHGF is also a long overdue update.

v1.2.0 adds in a couple of new routes/endings, adding a fair amount of new content overall. This includes story content as well as 18+ content.

Max Massacre released on Steam

Blog 2023-12-23

It feels weird to announce the release of a game which was already released years ago. But the important thing is that Max Massacre is finally on Steam.

In case you haven't already played it years ago, Max Massacre is a short, free visual novel set in a fantasy world of magic and monsters.

For more information about the game, and download links, you can visit the link below.

Max Massacre
A visual novel about a wannabe hero who is hated by those he wishes to protect.
Blog 2023-12-23

Steam Deck verified

Since the last blog post, 3 more of my games have been Steam Deck verified: Max Massacre, Sickness, and Man And Elf.

I'd like to get all of my games verified, but unfortunately Steam Deck verification is still a Valve-driven process. ie. It involves waiting for Valve to pick games to test.

But hey, it'll happen eventually. One game at a time.

Sickness and Man And Elf both required minor GUI updates to get verified, so they each received a small update on Steam.

Max Massacre, on the other hand, underwent a GUI overhaul and had Steam Deck support specifically added prior to its release on Steam. Luckily that work paid off and the game was verified shortly after release, without any modifications needed.

Website updates

In the menu bar of this website there is now a link titled "Upcoming", which brings you to a page featuring any games which I'm currently working on.

This includes basic information about the game and/or its status, as well as rough ETAs.

There's also a new link titled "Socials/Links" which opens a page containing links to a few different store pages and my social media accounts.

Those same links can also be found at the very bottom of this website.

Circadian Loop

Blog 2023-12-23

New game incoming! I've been working on another short, free, probably kinetic visual novel titled Circadian Loop.

I'll post more information about it closer to the release date, but the quick pitch is that this is a story of tragedy, violence, and maybe a little bit of time-travel.

Sable's Grimoire 2 store page

Blog 2023-12-23

Last but not least, the store page for Sable's Grimoire 2 is now live on Steam!

Needless to say this is where most of my recent efforts have been focused, and will continue to be focused for the foreseeable future.

The actual release is still a long way off, so the screenshots, store description and such will likely change over time.

For now, however, the store page does show some of the new characters and locations which will appear in SG2.

The development of SG2 is going smoothly. The expected release date should be either 2024 or 2025, depending on how many routes the game launches with.

It's still early days for SG2, but I'll likely start posting new character bios, screenshots, etc. on Twitter and Mastodon starting next year.

For other updates, you can subscribe to the Steam community forum and add SG2 to your wishlist here:

Sable’s Grimoire 2 on Steam
Sable’s Grimoire 2 is a visual novel featuring monster girls in a magic academy setting. This is a sequel to the original Sable’s Grimoire game. It follows Sable’s studies of magic and his budding friendships with his demi-human classmates and teachers.
Blog 2023-12-23
<![CDATA[Blog 2023-06-05]]>

Hello again, everyone. It's been 5 months since the last blog post, so I figured a new one was just about due.

So, what's been going on over the past 5 months?

An Adventurer's Gallantry released

If you haven't already checked it

https://zetsubou.games/blog-2023-06-05/647d18fd9a593c01c896be52Mon, 05 Jun 2023 00:21:41 GMT

Hello again, everyone. It's been 5 months since the last blog post, so I figured a new one was just about due.

So, what's been going on over the past 5 months?

An Adventurer's Gallantry released

If you haven't already checked it out, An Adventurer's Gallantry is a short, free, kinetic visual novel set in a fantasy world of swords and monsters.

For more information, and links to store pages, check out the game's web page here: https://zetsubou.games/an-adventurers-gallantry/

A Dragon's Treasure on consoles

Sable's Grimoire: A Dragon's Treasure has now been released on Switch and Playstation!

Unfortunately it was rejected by Xbox, so unless Microsoft change their mind (which seems unlikely) it will not be available there.

Links to the store pages can be found here: https://zetsubou.games/sables-grimoire-a-dragons-treasure/

Man And Elf on consoles?

It's the natural question to ask now that A Dragon's Treasure has been released on consoles. So before you ask: yes, this is being worked on. The game is currently in the process of being ported over.

I don't have an ETA on this. Also, like A Dragon's Treasure, it doesn't seem like it will be available on Xbox. But time will tell.

Max Massacre store page on steam

The store page for Max Massacre is now live on Steam.

It hasn't been released yet though, as I'll be making some technical changes to the game prior to release.

In particular, I'll be completely rewriting the GUI, adding new settings, controller bindings, and support for 1280x800 resolution (Steam Deck). Basically all of the new things I did for An Adventurer's Gallantry.

Sable's Grimoire v1.09.1

A minor update was released for Sable's Grimoire which fixes a missing terminal cast image, and updated the pause button on the music screen so it would pause the track instead of stopping it.

Also, on Steam, cloud sync now works cross-platform. This was only partially implemented previously.

Progress of My Heart Grows Fonder update

The remaining CGs for the new update are finally complete. This means all of the assets (art, music, etc.) needed for the update are done.

Now it's time to finish coding the new assets in, editing and testing the complete game, and general QA stuff before releasing the update.

Miscellaneous store page updates

First off is itch. I've finally gotten around to updating my itch.io developer page.



You can view the above page live here: https://zetsuboushita.itch.io/

Next is Steam. While my developer page itself hasn't changed (not to a noteworthy degree, at least) I have finally gotten around to adding "franchise" links to my games.

These are the links you'll see above the game description, near the play/buy button, which link to the developer's other games.

I thought I'd added these ages ago, but it turns out I did it wrong.

On the Snap Store, aarch64 and armhf builds of my games are now available. Previously, only x86_64 builds were available. They have also switched to using lzo compression.

Lastly is flathub. Flathub now supports developer verification on the non-beta website. I've gone through the process of getting all of the games I have hosted there verified.

Updates to this website

A new menu has been added called "Patches". This links to 18+ patches and will link to any other patches if they come up in the future. This is to make it easier for people to find the 18+ patches in countries where Steam doesn't allow that kind of content.

The download links on the game pages on this website have all been updated to a (hopefully) more useful format. Previously they were just a bunch of logos images you could click on. Now they are each in a card-like layout and include the store name and supported platforms for that store.

This website has also moved hosting. Previously it was hosted through Github Pages, but this was problematic with Flathub verification (due to how Github Pages handled the .well-known directory) and sometimes with website updates not propagating. This website is now hosted through Cloudflare instead.

<![CDATA[An Adventurer's Gallantry]]>

Oren has always dreamed of becoming a knight. It's what he's trained for all his life, and he was all too happy to squander his savings and leave his home behind to make it happen.

Unfortunately, the reality of being a knight isn't so

https://zetsubou.games/an-adventurers-gallantry/642c0a38f7d7af01d3ba8e42Tue, 04 Apr 2023 11:34:30 GMT

Oren has always dreamed of becoming a knight. It's what he's trained for all his life, and he was all too happy to squander his savings and leave his home behind to make it happen.

Unfortunately, the reality of being a knight isn't so glamorous. What's common sense for Oren is unthinkable for the knights, and he quickly finds himself tossed out onto the street after failing to adapt.

Just when Oren thinks his life has hit rock bottom, an adventurer named Litia invites him to join her party. Knights and adventurers are usually mortal enemies, but desperate times call for desperate measures, and Oren isn't above swallowing his pride in order to survive.

Oren and Litia bicker to no end. There seems to be very little the duo can agree on. But as a team, the two work together surprisingly well, and the work of an adventurer is nothing like what Oren had imagined.

Given a glimpse of a different future, will Oren abandon his dream of becoming a knight and embrace his new life as an adventurer?

Download Links

<![CDATA[Blog 2023-01-04]]>

Happy new years, everyone. It's been a few months since my first blog post, so I thought it was about time for a quick update on things.

Upcoming new game

In the last post I mentioned a new game I'm working on: An Adventurer's

https://zetsubou.games/blog-2023-01-04/63b4a6387bbfe501ff22a828Tue, 03 Jan 2023 22:43:11 GMT

Happy new years, everyone. It's been a few months since my first blog post, so I thought it was about time for a quick update on things.

Upcoming new game

In the last post I mentioned a new game I'm working on: An Adventurer's Gallantry.

The remaining assets for this game have now been finished. So the game itself is pretty much done, apart from testing.

Next up is getting a trailer made. This is currently slated for February.

I've also been going through the approval process on Steam. A game trailer is a requirement for Steam, so I can't quite complete the process just yet, but most of it is squared away.

Assuming the trailer is completed within the expected timeframe and there are no hold-ups with Steam, this game should be released in February or March.

Upcoming old game

I've also been working on getting Max Massacre, a short, free game I made a few years ago, onto Steam.

Much of the process is done. It just needs a trailer before I can try to get it all approved.

Some things will be added which weren't present in the original release, such as achievements and cloud saves. I'll also be looking at adding some new settings I've played around with in An Adventurer's Gallantry, and possibly higher res artwork in places.

In terms of story content, however, it'll be the same as the original release.

Progress of My Heart Grows Fonder update

The new content update mentioned in the last blog post is getting closer to completion.

There are still a couple of CGs left, after which it'll be testing time.

In the meantime, I recently wound up releasing an unplanned update for MHGF to fix a Steam Deck issue (more below) which included some things I was going to bundle into the upcoming content update. Most of it was steam-specific though (cloud saves, depot changes), so the update was only released on Steam.

Progress of Sable's Grimoire 2

Nothing to report here, and there probably won't be for a while.

It's being actively worked on every day. But it's a long game, so it takes a while for anything noteworthy to happen.

I might start sharing new sprites and/or CGs later on in the year. But right now the focus is on writing, writing, and more writing.

Steam Deck

I finally managed to get my hands on a Steam Deck recently. And the very first thing I discovered was that a) Renpy games freeze up on some steam decks and b) mine is one of those steam decks.

Luckily it's a problem that's already been solved in upstream Renpy, so I was able to apply a fix straight away. Though it did mean that my first day or so with the steam deck was spent debugging, patching, compiling and testing.

Now that that's sorted I'll be moving onto improving the experience of my games on this device where possible. The things I'm thinking of at the moment are:

  • switching to fonts which are easier to read at smaller sizes
  • implementing font size settings
  • implementing sprite size settings
  • support for different aspect ratios
  • controller button prompts and general controller support improvements

Some of this I've already released or started testing out for new games.

Of the changes I've been looking into, support for multiple aspect ratios is the only one I'm really unsure about.

At the moment it's looking like a lot of work, so it might be something I only implement for smaller games, or it might be limited to Steam Deck specific builds (Steam does have an option for this).

Regardless, I'll keep an eye out for other changes which might improve things on the Steam Deck. And other platforms/devices, of course.

<![CDATA[First blog post]]>Howdy, folks. And welcome to my first blog-style post on this website.

I've been meaning to set up a blog of some kind for a while now. Twitter isn't appropriate for longer posts, and the forums/devlogs on Steam and Itch are game-specific, so I thought

https://zetsubou.games/blog-2022-09-22/632c12f00e19b001af4a7542Mon, 03 Oct 2022 19:54:28 GMTHowdy, folks. And welcome to my first blog-style post on this website.

I've been meaning to set up a blog of some kind for a while now. Twitter isn't appropriate for longer posts, and the forums/devlogs on Steam and Itch are game-specific, so I thought a different place would be better for posting general updates.

I don't plan for the posts here to follow any kind of schedule or set format. The gap in time from one blog post to the next will probably vary a lot too. But hey, let's give it a go.

Briefly, the updates below include:

  • Sable's Grimoire After Story
  • Sable's Grimoire console version
  • Update for Man And Elf, A Dragon's Treasure
  • Upcoming update for My Heart Grows Fonder
  • Upcoming game: An Adventurer's Gallantry
  • Other updates
  • What's next?

Sable's Grimoire After Story

First up, at long last, the after story update for Sable's Grimoire is finally out!

It is now live on Steam, Itch.io, and Fakku. It will be coming to other stores once they have reviewed the build and approved the update.

The version number to look out for is: 1.09.0. The other way you'll know if you've got the update is of course the presence of the After Story button on the main menu.

Clicking on this button brings up a warning, alerting you to the fact that After Story is only meant to be played once you've finished all the other routes you intend to play. You don't want accidental spoilers, after all.

You don't need to have a save from a complete playthrough in order to start After Story though. You can play it at any time, even from a fresh new install. After all, Sable's Grimoire has been out for a few years now, and didn't have cloud saves (until now!), so requiring someone to play through the game first to unlock After Story seemed like a bad idea.

Anyway, in case you haven't been following the thread on Steam outlining the roadmap for Sable's Grimoire (I swear I'll come up with something more obvious and easier to find for Sable's Grimoire 2...) the after story update is about wrapping up the first game in the series and setting the stage for Sable's Grimoire 2.

It takes place after specific routes in the first game. To summarize, Lisha's route leads to Man And Elf, Drakan's route leads to A Dragon's Treasure, and the other routes lead to After Story (and then Sable's Grimoire 2). This is explained a little more in-game when you start playing After Story.

Also note that After Story is the final planned content update for the first Sable's Grimoire game. What this means is that the first game will only get general updates (eg. bug fixes, support for new platforms), but not new story content (eg. character routes, endings) going forward.

Story-related development will of course be focused on Sable's Grimoire 2 and other upcoming games in the series going forward.

Aside from the After Story content, this update also includes the following changes:

  • added logo for Sable's Grimoire 2 (shown in the After Story prompt)
  • game engine updated to Renpy 7.5.3
  • ARM Linux builds available on some stores (Steam doesn't support ARM Linux yet)
  • Android build updated to target Android 13
  • smoother font rendering for bold, italic, and bold italic fonts
  • fix for credits page link
  • better keyboard/controller navigation on some screens

Sable's Grimoire console version

Good news: After Story (and Eris's route) should be coming to Xbox and Switch soon.

And unlike every other time I've said "soon" over the past year, this time around it means "now". As in, it has already been released, and should have already started rolling out.

Bad news: the playstation version hasn't been approved, and it might take a while.

Playstation are super strict on anything remotely sexual or involving nudity. It took a long time and a lot of jumping through hoops to get Sable's Grimoire on the PSN in the first place.

Apparently they've gotten even more strict since then, and the review process will include going back over the existing content again (not just the new content). So chances are it's going to be a painful, lengthy approval process.

Update for Man And Elf, A Dragon's Treasure

Version 1.01 of Man And Elf and A Dragon's Treasure is out.

There's nothing new story-wise being added here. It's mostly new artwork and miscellaneous improvements.

First off, both games are getting new character bio and glossary screens. The old ones were screens I hacked together from the existing GUI artwork, rather than dedicated screens made by the GUI artist. I think the new ones turned out much nicer. (old on the left, new on the right)

Other changes include:

  • updated disclaimer screens (no more white text on an empty black background)
  • cafeteria music track has been improved
  • dead links removed from credits page
  • improved keyboard/controller support in several places
  • engine updated to Renpy 7.5.3
  • ARM Linux builds available on applicable stores (ie. stores other than Steam)
  • Android build updated to target Android 13
  • Steam cloud saves added
  • Steam trading cards added for Man And Elf
  • Steam builds are now split into separate 32 and 64 bit builds to reduce download/install size

There's also an addition which returning players might be interested in. This bit is in spoiler tags in case you haven't already played Man And Elf and A Dragon's Treasure. If you have already finished the True End for both games, you can safely click on the spoiler tag below.


The final CG for A Dragon's Treasure (the one which displays after the True End) now has the logo for Project Homonculus on it. The logo is not final and may change prior to the release of Project Homonculus.

You can see the image here: https://cdn.zetsubou.games/blog/project-homonculus.jpg

Man And Elf now has a similar image which shows after the True End. It announces that Man And Elf will be continued in an upcoming game, My Elven Bride. The image shows a background image from My Elven Bride, as well as the logo.

You can see the image here: https://cdn.zetsubou.games/blog/my-elven-bride.jpg

Upcoming update for My Heart Grows Fonder

It's been a while, hasn't it? I had intended for this to be done years ago, but unfortunately things didn't work out that way.

This update will add 2 more endings, several new CGs (some 18+, some not), sprites, outfits, and so on.

It's mostly done now. Just a few CGs to go, then it's time for testing. I'm hoping it'll be done either late this year or early next year.

Upcoming game: An Adventurer's Gallantry

An Adventurer's Gallantry is a short, free, kinetic visual novel, with no choices and only one ending.

It is set in a fantasy world of swords and monsters. It tells the story of a disgraced knight who is given a second chance in life as an adventurer.

I'm hoping to release this game either late this year or early next year. More details and the store pages will be available once it's closer to completion.

I wrote An Adventurer's Gallantry to take a break from some of the bigger/longer games I've been working on. With those games it can take months or even years before any noteworthy progress is made, so it's nice to occasionally finish off something short in the meantime.

Other updates

New builds of my other games (apart from My Heart Grows Fonder, since a bigger update is pending) have also been uploaded.

They've all been updated to the latest version of Renpy, they now target the latest version of Android, and they now have ARM Linux builds.

Nothing exciting, I know. It's just a general maintenance update. I'll continue to provide these in the interest of making sure my games run properly on current platforms.

I expect there will be another maintenance update soon for Mac M1 support, once Renpy supports building these.

What's next?

Some of this has already been mentioned above, but...

First will be an update to My Heart Grows Fonder. Either late this year or early next year.

Then comes An Adventurer's Gallantry. Again, either late this year or early next year.

There's also another short, kinetic VN I've been working on, but it isn't as far along in development. More details later. I expect this one to be done early next year.

After that (or should I say "at the same time"?) I'll be working on Sable's Grimoire 2. The three games mentioned above are primarily waiting on artwork (ie. not waiting on me), so I'm currently free to work on other things.

From that point on it's probably just going to be work on Sable's Grimoire 2 for the foreseeable future. Don't hold your breath, because it's going to take a while! I'll post progress updates and artwork once it's a decent way through development.

That's all for now

Are you still reading? I know this post dragged on a bit, but there was plenty to cover. Future blog posts probably won't be this long.

See you again soon!

<![CDATA[Sable's Grimoire: A Dragon's Treasure]]>

Sable's Grimoire is a visual novel series set in a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters. It follows the adventures of Sable, a young human who wants to become a magic researcher, during his time at Amadronia Academy.

Sable spends his everyday life at Amadronia surrounded by

https://zetsubou.games/sables-grimoire-a-dragons-treasure/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed88Wed, 05 Feb 2020 07:41:29 GMTSable's Grimoire: A Dragon's TreasureSable's Grimoire: A Dragon's Treasure

Sable's Grimoire is a visual novel series set in a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters. It follows the adventures of Sable, a young human who wants to become a magic researcher, during his time at Amadronia Academy.

Sable spends his everyday life at Amadronia surrounded by demi-humans, including elves, pixies, and succubi, as he learns more about this magical world and the creatures within it.

Sable's Grimoire: A Dragon's Treasure

With Sable's first year at Amadronia coming to an end, he wants nothing more than to spend the upcoming break at the academy, studying in peace while his friends and classmates head home for the holidays.

However, his half-dragon best friend and roommate, Drakan, has other plans in store for him. She has been trying to get him to visit her home for months now, and with a sizeable break right before around the corner, that time has finally come.

Before the duo can set off, a surprise visit from Drakan's mother, Nidhogg, gives them reason to pause. Holding an ominous necklace in her hand, she forces the seemingly cursed artifact onto Sable, then sets him up with one trial after another.

Dragged to either extreme by these two frightfully powerful beings, will Sable manage to survive the holidays in one piece?

Download Links

Console Download Links

*This game was rejected by the Xbox store, so it is only available on Switch and PSN

18+ Patch (PC only)

<![CDATA[Sable's Grimoire: Man And Elf]]>

Sable's Grimoire is a visual novel series set in a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters. It follows the adventures of Sable, a young human who wants to become a magic researcher, during his time at Amadronia Academy.

Sable spends his everyday life at Amadronia surrounded by

https://zetsubou.games/sables-grimoire-man-and-elf/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed87Wed, 05 Feb 2020 07:28:12 GMTSable's Grimoire: Man And ElfSable's Grimoire: Man And Elf

Sable's Grimoire is a visual novel series set in a fantasy world filled with magic and monsters. It follows the adventures of Sable, a young human who wants to become a magic researcher, during his time at Amadronia Academy.

Sable spends his everyday life at Amadronia surrounded by demi-humans, including elves, pixies, and succubi, as he learns more about this magical world and the creatures within it.

Sable's Grimoire: Man And Elf

As their first year together at Amadronia Academy comes to an end, Lisha and Sable arrange to spend their upcoming break in her home. An elven village far away from their noisy classmates, where they can enjoy the break in peace.

What awaits them at their destination, however, is not the holiday they had planned. Their time away is soon spoiled by news of recent kidnappings and graves being robbed. To make matters worse, these crimes are alleged to have been committed by a dark elf.

Keen to investigate these incidents, Sable and Lisha move from town to town as they encounter one shocking revelation after another: mind control, forbidden magic, a human town where magic is the norm, and another side to her father's past which Lisha knew nothing about.

With all of the chaos going on around them, will Sable and Lisha ever be able to go back to their peaceful academy days?

Download Links

Console Download Links

*This game was rejected by the Xbox store, so it is only available on Switch and PSN

18+ Patch (PC only)

<![CDATA[My Heart Grows Fonder]]>https://zetsubou.games/my-heart-grows-fonder/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed86Sat, 22 Jun 2019 00:52:44 GMT

Cassius, a jilted and bitter man, is reunited with his ex after a three year separation. As the two begin to cohabitate, he realizes that he may not be over her after all.

When his girlfriend suddenly vanished without a word, Cassius feared the worst. All communication was shut off, he had no clue where she went, and nobody seemed to be able to get ahold of her. The person closest to him disappeared, seemingly for good, and he had no way of knowing what had happened to her.

Now, without warning or fanfare, Maia has returned. What's more, the years of separation have done nothing to change how she feels about Cas. The two of them never formally broke up, and in her mind, they are still a couple.

But as the person left behind, Cas' feelings aren't so simple. After years of anguish, he has finally started to move on, and Maia's return isn't as welcome now as it would have been all that time ago.

Will Cas manage to mend his relationship with his ex-girlfriend and return to what they once had? Or will he leave the past behind and find happiness with someone else?

Download Links

Console Download Links

*This game was rejected by the Xbox store and PSN, so it is only available on Switch

18+ Patch (PC Only)

<![CDATA[Bloom]]>https://zetsubou.games/bloom/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed85Fri, 21 Jun 2019 22:33:39 GMT

Bloom is an erotic yuri Visual Novel developed by RazzArt Studios.

The day before Lily starts her new job, she comes home to find that she  also has a new neighbor moving in next door. Inspired by the good things  finally happening in her life, Lily offers to help the girl, Eve, carry  her belongings to her apartment and unpack.

To Lily's surprise, she is completely swept away by Eve’s forward advances, and the two strangers wind up spending the night together in a passionate sexual encounter.

The next morning, Lily believes that on top of finding a new job, she has also found herself a girlfriend. Unfortunately, Eve sees things very differently. At the prospect of a suggested relationship with Lily, Eve coldly remarks “Romance is for suckers.”

Will Lily, a girl who clings to romantic ideals of love, be able to sort out her feelings towards Eve?

Download Links

<![CDATA[Sable's Grimoire]]>https://zetsubou.games/sables-grimoire/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed84Fri, 21 Jun 2019 22:31:23 GMT

Sable's Grimoire is a visual novel which takes place in a magic academy filled with demi-humans, such as elves and pixies.

When Sable is accepted into Amadronia Magic Academy, he believes that his dream of becoming a world-renowned magic researcher is finally within his grasp. As one of the few pure-blooded humans capable of using magic, Sable is hopeful that he’ll find common ground with the demi-human population at the school, and that the next few years of his life will be as productive as they are enlightening.

Unfortunately for Sable, his first day at Amadronia quickly proves to him that this will not be the case. The students in his class are unruly, there’s a pyromanic dragon girl running around, his "teacher" has no interest in teaching, the principal willfully breaks academy rules, and it seems like everywhere he turns, Sable finds one more reason to doubt Amadronia's proud legacy.

Will Sable manage to survive at this clearly dysfunctional academy? Or will he, like so many others, leave Amadronia feeling utterly disillusioned?

PC/Mobile Download Links

Console Download Links

<![CDATA[Wolf Tails]]>https://zetsubou.games/wolf-tails/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed83Fri, 21 Jun 2019 22:27:17 GMT

Wolf Tails is an adult visual novel developed by RazzArt Studios.

Moving far away from civilization, you hoped to live a life of solitude  in a snowy cabin. Just as you begin to adapt to your peaceful new life,  you discover an intruder; a wolf-girl, alone and shivering in your  storeroom. Fearful for her life, you take the girl in for the night,  offering her a place to stay until she recovers.

Once she has recovered, however, the wolf-girl shows no sign of leaving. In fact, she seems quite content to move in.

Soon after, yet another wolf-girl shows up, loudly accusing the  “Princess” of running away from her duties to the pack. She wants  nothing more than to bring the Princess back home with her and restore  order - and despite your best wishes, you're now stuck in the middle of  it.

Download Links

<![CDATA[Happy Campers]]>https://zetsubou.games/happy-campers/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed82Fri, 21 Jun 2019 22:25:00 GMT

Happy Campers is an adult visual novel developed by RazzArt Studios.

For the next seven days, the campers at Camp Merriment will enjoy the wonders of nature like never before. They will partake in filling meals cooked over an open flame, kayak in beautiful rivers, and see wild, yet friendly, creatures native to the forest. Their week will be spent in  utter bliss, with campers taking home naught but fond memories…

It's a shame you won't be joining them.

Welcome to Camp Bearfoot; the abandoned camp ground where your instructor has accidentally led your group. With no provisions, and no sign of help arriving anytime soon, will the four of you manage to survive a week?

Play as a male or female and join together with Lizzy, a gullible young woman who doesn't understand the point of clothing. Eliza, an entitled rich girl who refuses to get along with others. And Mai, a  straight-laced instructor plagued by a lack of leadership skills.

In this visual novel about camping, sexy antics and tensions are sure to rise as the days without help go on.

Download Links

<![CDATA[Tomboys Need Love Too!]]>https://zetsubou.games/tomboys-need-love-too/62f784cfc4c6ce0c23d2ed81Fri, 21 Jun 2019 08:15:27 GMT

Tomboys Need Love Too! is an adult visual novel about the romance between two childhood friends.

When Kai hears that his next door neighbor, Chris, will be staying with him while her parents are overseas, he thinks nothing of it. They're best friends, after all, and have been since childhood. Sleepovers are hardly anything new for them.

But Chris doesn't see it that way. She's ready to take their relationship to the next level, and she plans to use their temporary cohabitation as a chance make that happen. She'll see to it that Kai treats her not as a friend, or "one of the guys", but as a member of the opposite  sex.

Just as Chris's advances begin to take effect, however, an obstacle appears: Sophie, Kai's most recent crush. With timing that couldn't possibly be a coincidence, Sophie suddenly begins to show a very strong interest in Kai.

Will the advances of Sophie, the girl whom Kai has been pining over for months, manage to sway his heart? Or will Chris finally make Kai recognize her as a member of the opposite sex, and convince him that the perfect woman was by his side all along?

Download Links

18+ Patch
